Saturday, November 10, 2012

Twenty Five Days of Gratitude: Coze

What is coze you might ask?
It is a whole lot of things wrapped in the most comfy blanket you can imagine.

Coze is coffee in the morning, noon, and night.
It is candles in the kitchen, on the mantle, in the bathroom.
Coze can be found in the car on a rainy day when that just right song comes on.
It is in cuddling with husband or child or pet.

 Coze is when your clothes fall just right, on the squishy parts. When you're warm.
In the clothing handed down.
In the box of keepsakes.
In past memories that make you flutter or cry.

Coze is in the early morning when you get a lot done.
Or pray.
Or shower.

It can be found on the couch while watching Madmen and drinking wine.
Or Breaking Bad and popcorn.
How bout the Walking Dead and hot chocolate.*

Coze is definitely atmosphere.
Just right lighting.

I am grateful for coze. 
A generational passing down.
A kiss from woman to woman to woman to Ivy.
An indulgence.
Maybe not.
A spirit for sure.

 The spirit of cozy.
Bless you.
Find it for peace sake.

*I am grateful for TV. I am grateful for well done TV. Character studies. A place to let your mind rest.
And AMC is the best.

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